Step 1 of Vij5


The next step is
step 2 of Vij5:

At the heart of Vij5 lies the design of functional and aesthetic products for the interior. With the Vij5 collection, we pay homage to the craft of product design; we believe this profession should be cherished.

Vij5 - video 1 from Vij5 - DESIGN

The designs in the Vij5 collection often originate from the essence of product design and tempt you to see or use an existing product in a new way. They are an interesting alternation between recognition and surprise.

"With the Vij5 collection, we cherish the craftsmanship of product designers."

Arjan & Anieke

Design not only influences the function, but also the perception of a product. A good designer can determine the form and function of an object in such a way that the result is beautiful but also functional. This is what makes a design interesting for us.

As entrepreneurs, we love collaborating with designers to contribute to the success of their studios. Meanwhile, we're delighted to work with a diverse group of designers who are close to us, a mix of emerging talents and renowned names. Offering fair compensation to designers and makers is a given for us. This way, we create a win-win situation for all involved parties.

We collaborate
with these

Vij5 serves as a strong platform for (Dutch) design both nationally and internationally. Since 2006, we've been assisting various designers in developing, presenting, and distributing new designs. Our collection includes works by Floris Hovers, Ontwerpduo, David Derksen, Raw Color, Jeroen Wand, and Daphna Laurens, among others. Currently, we represent products from 28 different designers who are close to us, a mix of emerging talent and established designers.

As entrepreneurs, we like to actively cooperate with designers to contribute to the success of their studios. Not just for distribution, but rather for developing new products and innovating production processes. By also taking the presentation and sales work off their hands, the designers can focus more on what is important to them. Fair compensation for designers and makers is a matter of course with us. In this way, we create a win-win situation for all parties involved. So if you buy a product from Vij5, you also support its designer and creator!

Dutch designers:

International designers: